Teach in China
- Bachelor’s Degree
- TEFL/TESOL certification or major in education/English
- Fluent English
- Good ability to teach overseas students
- Teaching experience is preferable
- No criminal record check from local government
- A monthly salary of between 12,000 –25,000RMB.
- PLUS $2000 value package : Free TEFL certificate , free flights , free housing, free insurance , bonuses , airport pickup, and Z visa.The salary as an English teacher in China will be enough to live a comfortable lifestyle and save for trips around China as well as to other countries in Asia!
Here at Mykindle we value your time. Please complete the following aspects of our application process and be sure that you meet our requirements for candidacy
When you complete the form, click SUBMIT button, you will get the link to view or buy your TESOL Course!
If you any question, please contact our center at fred@zjmkedu.com or call +8615857518901